
We invite you to the Energy and Recycling Forum



17-19/10/2023, Poznań, MTP


Day I (17/10/2023, Tuesday)

  • Get there ahead of time - the deposit system will be available in less than 15 months
  • ROP for textiles? Changes to the waste directive have been proposed
  • Responsible business and the revolution in the used clothing industry
  • Bioplastics - challenges in the context of the SUP directive
  • Challenges for those who introduce packaged beverages to the market - creation and operation of the deposit system
  • Fuels from waste and biomass – can foreign examples be implemented in Poland?
  • Energy Transformation Investors Forum - current state of investments in ITPO
  • Selective collection of municipal waste in the light of the latest case law of administrative courts and supervisory authorities
  • Is it possible to control the chaos caused by the implementation of the SUP Directive?
  • Progress of work on EU draft regulations on eco-design of goods in the household appliances industry, taking into account the circular economy.
  • Debate: What needs to be done for the efficient implementation of the deposit system


Day II (18/10/2023, Wednesday)

  • Taxonomy criteria for the transition to a circular economy
  • How far will the idea of circular economy go?
  • Selective collection and sorting of plastic packaging waste in the context of eco-design
  • Current situation on the tire recycling market
  • SUP doesn't have to kill nutty charities
  • Net billing, lack of connection options - how to release the development brakes for RES LNG
  • Bio-LNG, CNG and price fluctuations on the alternative fuel market
  • A special act on agricultural biogas plants as a turbocharge for the energy transformation in rural areas.
  • Financing of municipal and agricultural biogas plants
  • The role of energy cooperatives in the energy transformation
  • Debate: Poland in danger - what to do to achieve waste management goals
    *The organizer reserves the right to change the program.


The event is organized by the magazine's editorial office

More information about the Forum can be found HERE>>



Events program Tickets List of exhibitors