"Transport and municipal services in clean transport zones" - we invite you to the debate

Transport and municipal services in clean transport zones. Who is subject to the new rules of the Act on Electromobility and Alternative Fuels?
17/10/2023, Poznań, pavilion 6, stage, 11:30-12:30
Clean Transport Zones are optional restrictions on car traffic introduced by municipal governments. Initially, this option was reserved for the largest cities, but has recently been opened to all municipalities. This solution has been practically introduced in Krakow, Warsaw is to start implementing it in 2024, and Poznań is thinking about it.
During the debate "Transport and municipal services in clean transport zones. Who is subject to the new rules of the Act on Electromobility and Alternative Fuels? we will discuss how to use SCT as a tool supporting the greening of transport and changes in thinking about urban space, while avoiding accusations of making it a privilege for the rich or an unnecessary drag on the municipal services sector.
*The organizers reserve the right to make changes to the program. Debate
The debate is free of charge for POLECO fair participants.