Installation of thermal treatment of municipal waste in Koszalin with funding from the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management
The National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management will allocate over PLN 201 million for the construction of an installation for thermal treatment of municipal waste in Koszalin.

Municipal Economy Company Sp. z o. o. in Koszalin will build a thermal installation transformation of municipal waste thanks to significant support from the National Protection Fund Environment and Water Management. The total amount of co-financing provided under the programme priority entitled: "Rational waste management Part 3) Use of alternative fuels for energy goals” is over PLN 201 million, including PLN 72,220,500 in the form of subsidies and PLN 128,999,970 in the form of a loan. The agreement on this matter was signed on December 19, 2022 in Koszalin City Hall.
The project, supported by the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management, assumes the construction of a combined heat and power plant for alternative fuels, the operation of which will be based on thermal processing of the energy fraction of pre-RDF and RDF municipal waste with the generation of energy. The installation will generate electricity and heat in a highly efficient cogeneration. However, the main objective of the project is to build a thermal treatment plant waste that is a residue from the mechanical-biological treatment of mixed waste municipal waste and mechanical transformation of waste from selective collection. After construction the incineration plant will have a capacity of up to 30,000 Mg of waste/year.
– Poland lacks installations for thermal treatment of municipal waste, which is why it is so important
support for activities aimed at recovering energy from incinerated waste. Today's celebration is the beginning of an important, strategic investment for the city of Koszalin, which will ensure the safety of residents
and will eliminate the problem of municipal waste management with simultaneous care about air quality. The National Fund wants to support the creation of more and more of this type modern and environmentally friendly investments throughout the country. – says Paweł, Vice-President of the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management Mirowski. – This is an important step on the way to organizing waste management at the local government level. Waste thermal treatment installations are completely safe and especially needed in Poland – adds President Mirowski.
Source NFOŚiGW