5th Urban Development Forum in Poznań - registration of participants has started
The Urban Development Forum will once again become a place for the exchange of knowledge, good practices and solutions used in Poland and Europe. The theme of the jubilee edition will be "Awareness as a source of new (?) Trends".
The event is addressed to residents of small and large cities, local government officials, non-governmental organizations and informal groups, representatives of business and science, as well as practitioners and enthusiasts of urban issues in Poland and around the world.
Lectures delivered as part of the Forum will be available in Polish and English. They will also be translated into sign language. Participation in the Forum is free. The event will be broadcast online on the PPV platform.
Detailed information about the event can be found on the websites: forumrozwojumiast.poznan.pl/2021 and Fb.
Let's talk about the city after the pandemic
The subject of this year's Forum will focus on urban trends that revived and spread during the pandemic. There will also be a lot of urban and grassroots initiatives that are developing today - such as the circular economy, "locavore" (producing and consuming vitality locally) and post-growth.
The topics to be discussed include: the idea of a 15-minute city, activities to recover urban space for the needs and activities of residents, and initiatives presenting a vision of a better, sustainable world. The presented issues will also concern the wise and fair management of what we produce and consume in the context of climate change. Some of the topics discussed during the Forum will concern the role of social capital and technology in the reconstruction of cities after the pandemic.
Representatives of foreign and Polish cities, incl. Stockholm, Paris, Barcelona, London, Berlin, Amsterdam, Hanover.
The main thematic blocks
A 15-minute city - this is a block that will deal with such issues as changes in the functioning of municipal institutions, the environment, space, architecture, greenery. Its participants will also take a closer look at transport solutions - as a system enabling pedestrian access to everyday services in the vicinity of the place of residence, limiting the need for mobility, counteracting the monoculture of districts and suburbanization processes, as well as favoring the development of ties with the city and neighborly relations.
Priorities for urban development after the coronavirus - this part of the Forum will focus on changes in the way of thinking about city development, which are visible in the transformations of public institutions and the way local communities operate. Participants will also look at new indicators of the quality of life in the city, corresponding to the assumptions of a green economy and reduced consumption.
In the block entitled: The local community as a source of urban resilience - the interviewees will focus on the mechanisms of institutional support for the ingenuity and resourcefulness of inhabitants, which is a key factor that allows them to survive in the face of crises and tensions and enable adaptation to the changing living conditions in the city.
Smart city - is a block in which the talks will concern technological solutions that make life in cities easier: especially work, organization of city life, free time, study, as well as linking these innovations with communities.
Guests of the City Development Forum
🟠 Kate Raworth, author of the book "Ekonomia Obwarzanka"
🔵 Carolyn Steel, author of the book "Sitopia"
🟠 Ronni Kahn, OZ Harvest Australia
🔵 Amelia Kuch, EllenMacArthur Foundation
🟠 Diana Filippova, adviser to the Mayor of Paris
and many other great speakers and speakers!
A two-day intellectual feast will be served by excellent hosts:
🟢 Iwona Matuszczak-Szulc
🟢 Edwin Bendyk
🟢 Artur Celiński
✅ And all this for free in Polish, English and Polish sign language!