
Welcome to the conference ‘Environmental protection in practice’



X Conference Environmental Protection in Practice

Poznan, MTP, pavilion 5, Blue Stage

  • Hormones and antibiotics in the environment - small concentrations of great importance - Dobrochna Ginter-Kramarczyk, Ph.D., Prof. of Poznan University of Technology
  • Rehabilitation of the water supply network. How to ensure proper quality of water supplied to residents? What to pay attention to, what to remember - Izabela Kruszelnicka, PhD, Poznan University of Technology
  • Environmental impact assessment of projects related to the operation of waste treatment facilities (recovery, recycling, neutralisation) - Teresa Kubiak, PhD, Wielkopolska Branch of the Polish Association of Sanitary Engineers and Technicians
  • Possibilities of using biogas (biomethane) in the gas network and in refrigeration and greenhouse production - Andrzej Barczyński, Ph.
  • The role of small sewage treatment plants in water protection - Prof. Dr. Ryszard Błażejewski
