The Ministry of Climate and Environment has announced its priorities for the Polish Presidency of the EU Council
From 1 January 2025, for the next six months, Poland will play a leadership and coordination role, chairing meetings at the Council and representing the Council of the European Union internationally.
Under the Presidency, the Ministry of Climate and Environment will chair two Councils: The Transport, Telecommunications and Energy Council (TTE) and the Environment Council (ENVI).
Climate security and adaptation to climate change, combating climate disinformation and the Clean Industrial Deal are the priorities of the Environment Council (ENVI).
The Polish Presidency will support EU efforts to prepare an adaptation plan for the EU. Natural disasters experienced by the Union. Recent floods in Poland, Spain or the Central European region, highlight the need to develop measures to limit the effects of increasingly dangerous weather phenomena.
We want to better protect societies and infrastructures from the disasters associated with climate change. Hence, at the Environment Council (ENVI), we will focus on the issue of security in the face of climate change and building the resilience of the environment and societies in this regard,’ said Minister Paulina Hennig-Kloska.
A priority of the presidency is also to work on tools to combat fake news and climate disinformation questioning EU energy and climate policy. We also plan to work to promote investment in clean net-zero technologies and decarbonisation of the economy, which will be presented in the Clean Industrial Deal.